Make a difference every day
These links direct you to other sites where through one or more clicks you can make a difference on a daily basis, simply by viewing ads (free for you). Please note that these donations do not go to UNICEF, but to the funds each program supports.

Click Here to Visit TheHungerSite
Click on the button above to make a free donation of food to hungry people

Click on the button to make a free donation to support international humanitarian volunteer work
Click Here to Visit
Visit and click on the button to make a free donation of food and medicine for children
Click Here to Visit Eactivism
Visit and click on the button to make a free donation to The American Cancer Society

Click Here to Visit The Rainforest Site
Visit and click on the donate land button to make a free donation to save the rainforest

Click Here to Visit CharityFrogs
Visit and click on the button to make a free donation of $1 to The American Red Cross